Saturday, April 5, 2014


    Well, I'm back once again. It's amazing how fast time gets by you, and how easy it is to forget about writing. It has been over a year since my last post, and I find it a little hard to sum everything up in  a short way, But I'll do the best I can.

    The past several years have been a roller coaster ride for me. There have been ups, and downs, twists, and turns, and unexpected opportunities behind every corner. If you remember one of my last posts, I was asking prayer for several things. For those of you who did pray for me, I greatly appreciate it! I look back on my life, and realize how much God has been teaching me. I had so many wants, goals, and ambitions. I wanted to do this, I wanted to go there, and I knew exactly when I wanted it. But it seems that my ways were, and are usually not God's ways. Don't get me wrong. If I had my way, my life would be a mess. But God has been using each one of those opportunities to teach me different things.

    I look back on my life and realize how immature I was, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I wanted to jump out of the nest, and spread my wings, but God was holding me under His wings, and saying, "No, you're not quite ready yet" He was teaching me patience, He was teaching me growth, He was teaching me wisdom, and discretion, and He was teaching me to trust and rely on Him. Have I arrived yet? No, definitely not, but it's all a learning experience, it's all a growing experience, and it's all a part of my life.

    This all seems a lot like rambling to me. But I suppose I say all this to say, I had my plans, I had my goals, I had my ambitions. I knew what I wanted to do, where I wanted to go, and when I wanted to do it all. But God had different plans for me. Did I understand that different plan? No, definitely not! Did I like that different plan? No, I can't say I did at the time, But God had it all in His hands. He was in control of it all. He already knew what I was going to do, where I was going to go, and when I was going to do it. He was just waiting for me to surrender it all to Him. When I decided I was going to do whatever He wanted me to do, Go wherever He wanted me to go, and Be the kind of person He wanted me to be. As I decided I was going to make the most of the life I have for Him, instead of making the most of the life I have for me. I was amazed to see puzzle pieces come together, and see His magnificent story unfold. I had to stop relying on my own understanding, and start trusting in the Lord with all my heart (Proverbs 3:5-6). I had to realize that no matter how much I didn't like how things were going, or how much I didn't understand God's plan, He was working all things together for my good. (Romans 8:28). He has been good to me in so many ways, and He has blessed me so much. I don't necessarily know what tomorrow may bring, and I don't necessarily know what He has planned for the future. Do I still make plans? Of course, as humans, I think we need to. But if God changes my plans, I know He knows best. I know He is in control, and I know that He is working it all out for my good. Once again, don't get me wrong, I still have a lot to learn, and a lot to grow in. But I hope and pray I will continue to learn and grow everyday, and as I learn and grow, I pray that God will use me and my life, in a special way.

    I guess this is enough of my rambling for tonight, I hope to be able to start blogging a little more often again. Thanks for putting aside a little of your time to read. As we begin a new week, I hope it is full of many wonderful blessings for you.


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